Adolescent nicotine administration increases nicotinic acetylcholine receptor binding and functional connectivity in specific cortico-striatal-thalamic circuits
Nicotine-induced increases in cortical, striatal and thalamic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors during adolescence modifies processing and brain circuits within cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical loops, which are known to be crucial for multisensory integration, action selection and motor output, and may alter the developmental trajectory of the adolescent brain.
Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural organization of the taste thalamus of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri)
Ventroposterior medialis parvocellularis (VPMP) nucleus of the primate thalamus receives direct input from the nucleus of the solitary tract, whereas the homologous thalamic structure in the rodent does not.
Early Exposure to General Anesthesia Disrupts Spatial Organization of Presynaptic Vesicles in Nerve Terminals of the Developing Rat Subiculum
Exposure to general anesthesia (GA) during critical stages of brain development induces widespread neuronal apoptosis and causes long-lasting behavioral deficits in numerous animal species.